Sunday, January 14, 2007


So another weekend has trickled away. Nothing to exciting happened, I wanted to go see an Austrian Cabaret, but it was sold out (they seem far to legitimate and established here) so instead I ended up going to the party here at the Diplomatic Academy, which was surprisingly fun. We have a student run bar here which now and again will have parties. They are nice, but they had become a little sad at least for a while as fewer and fewer people were coming and there just weren't very many new people to talk to. This was really pretty cool, there were food and alcohol specialties from almost all of the different nationalities present at the Diplomatic Academy (yeah the Americans didn't do anything, should we have bough McDonald's?), which turned out to be quite appropriate for a student party as with the large number of Eastern European students there was a lot of vodka (regional specialties). The coming week is pretty much hell though as Saturday was dedicated to finding an affordable tux (acquired huzzah!) and then preparing a French cover letter and refining my French resume for my mock job interview on Tuesdays (which will be video taped so there will be condemning video evidence to boot!). Then today was mainly preparing for my E.U. Substantive law exam tomorrow.

So then when I really should have been sleeping I started looking at the blogs of some of the Upright Citizen's Brigade Performers I am familiar with. Goodness they are a funny and active bunch. It blows my mind all the stuff they do and aren't compensated for at all (even the theater doesn't pay after all). It was all highly amusing and made me miss New York and being involved in the improv scene.

Anyway here is a video I stole from one performer's website mocking public access style ads. I love it. It gets everything right to the last awkward detail.

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